Sunday, August 16, 2009

Say the word and i'll stay here in your arms forever.

How was your weekend? Mine was the usual. lol.

Went to watch Aliens in the attic a few days back. A show i would definitly recomend if you're looking to have a good laugh. A pretty nice show overall.

Friday this week wasnt spent at the usual Mardi. Instead, we went to this new club called El Habanero. It's just one of those small clubs that people wud usually go there to chill. We thought it was gonna be boring at 1st cuz the crowd wasnt really there. But the placed filled up ard 12 and yeah, we started having fun. The music was nice too.
There were these few guys though that got really touchy. They didnt even get the message after avoiding them a few times. Geez, guys. lol

Yday was a Saturday night and guess what i decided to do? lolz, no, i didnt stay at home. But i didnt hit the clubs either. Zheng wei called asking whether i wanted to go for this event called traffic light? at Mcircle i think.. but after thinking about it, i decided to go for a movie instead. lolz.

I know what u must be thinking by now. The way i'm watching movies this month, there shouldnt be anymore movies to watch right? hahaha. Yeah, we're practically running out of movies to watch already! There's only one show left that we havent watched! lol.

Watched this show called "tracing shadow". It was a stupid show. but honestly despite my sister and Sarah disliking the movie. I didnt. There was some really funny parts. And guess what? You get to see LOADS of "Jackie Chan's, Jet Li's, Andy Lau's and even JAY CHOU'S" Hahaha! Yup, you heard me right. So all you Jay fans. go watch the movie and u'll understand what i mean. lol

Hmmm, i realise my post are now always filled with words and no pictures! Getting picz from other people takes a damn long time. And by the time i get them, i dont even feel like blogging bout that particular thing anymore! ish. I need my own camera! *hint hint* lolz

It's about time i start on my assignments before everything piles up. Hmmm, i guess thats what i'll do right now.


It's funny how you still can make me feel this way after all this while..