Monday, May 5, 2008

New place peeps!

I found a REALLY REALLY nice club to chill in! Poppy Garden... Well, it's the 1st club i went to and wud nvr hav recommended it to any1.. It WAS too packed and there was no dance floor.. but yesterday.. baby's fren called him when i was finishing up my assignment at starbucks.. He said there was FREE booze.. So yeah, we decided to go..

Made some calls and My sis, SM, Andrea, Nick and Melvyn were comin along too.. Andrea said that she wanted to go and check it out cuz apparently they hav renovated... So yeah, i was excited to take a look as well...

When i stepped into the club, i didnt notice anything diff.. Same old same old.. But since it was a Sunday night, it wasnt packed.. As i walked in, i notice that it was bigger.. They renovated the whle place.. Much much bigger.. And guess what?! *drum rolls* They have a SWIMMING POOL! Yup, u heard me right! a bloody SWIMMING POOL IN THE CLUB! ahah.. It was BEAUTIFUL! wakakka.. seriously.. Damn nice lorr...

It was fun.. but baby got angry at me for drinking too mcuh! Aikes! sry bii.. Hehe.. at least we're ok now.. haha.. anyways, just got back.. Was having dinner wit Vincent daddy and Suki mummy.. Wid my sis, sm, baby and Juan as well.. Then Yam cha at aman suria with jie yi.. and here i am blogging after finishing up my assignment..

Damn larh! i'm having Information System exam tmr and i dont know shit! Help!