Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tagged by Jie Yi and Pui teng


First Name - Nicole
Nickname - Nic? Qish? Collyongshaqi? (by eunice!) =.="
Name you wish you had - I'm just fine with my 1st name =p
What do people normally mistake your name as - Nicoke? Stupid KEN!! hahaha!
Birthday - 11th April 1990
Birthplace - Pantai Hospital? if i
Time of Birth - Sometime between 12a.m to 12p.m
Single or taken - Happily taken! hehe
Zodiac sign - Aries

-Your Appearence-

How tall are you -erm.. bout 16_ cm? Less then 165 la
Wish you were taller - hmm? maybe 168? lols..
Eye color -Brown
Eye color you want - Hazel Brown!
Natural Hair color - Hazel Brown
Current Hair color - A type of Brown Highlited with a lighter colour? The stylist mixed the colour for me =D
Short or long hair - long.
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - Nope... Dont think i ever will
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - errr... cut it short b4..
Glasses or contacts - contacts!
Do you wear make-up - Yupz
Ever had hair extensions - Nope
Paint your nails - occasionally

-In the opposite gender-

What color eyes - blue
What color hair - erm...natural will do but i love brownish hair! light brown ;p
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing :)
Looks or personality - both? haha
Sexy or Cute - Cutely Sexy! Yummy! hahaha
Serious or Fun - both.
Older or Younger than you - Elder
A turn on - Sense of humour
A turn off - Hmmm.. Bad body odor

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolates - Flowers!
Pepsi or Coke - Pepsi! I kinda dislike Coke
Rap or Rock - rap
Relationship or One night stand - RELATIONSHIP!! Duhhh!!
School or Work - school.
Love or Money - bothhhhh!
Movies or Music - both!
Country or City - Country.
Sunny or Rainy days - Depends..Sun on the beach.. Rain when sleeping!
Friends or Family - Both!

-Have you ever-

Lied - Duhh! I'm only human!
Stole something - In the past i did..
Smoked - hmmm... It's still not a past tense... Smoke yes! hahaha
Hurt someone close to you - yeah.. in the past.. Sry
Broke someone's heart - All's fair in love and war? aikes! damn bad.. i'm sry if i "ever" did..
Had your heart broken - Nth bug though =p
Wondered what was wrong with you - hmmm.. guess so?
Wish you were a prince/princess - ahah, yupz! when i was little!
Liked someone who was taken - yea..? i guess every1 does.. it's either sooner or later
Shaved your head - never!
Been in love - Been in love? I AM IN LOVE! hehe
Used chopsticks - yeah..? i'm chinese larh!
Sang in the mirror to yourself - =.=" dont think so? hahah


Flower - roses...
Candy - hmm... dont hav a fav.. i hardly eat candy... but i LOVE mints
Song - Any LOVE songs
Scent - Dunhill.. (hehe, u know y larh horr?)
Color - I have 3.. Baby blue, Baby pink and light purple..
Movie - too many d la
Singer - erm... i just listen to nice songs...
Word - Fav word? ahah.. No idea!
Junk food - None?
Website - My blog? ahah
Location - Tahiti? Anywhere that has beautiful beaches! hehe... but i wanna travel the world!
Animal - Puppies!

Ever cried over someone - yeah?
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - The way i think too much?
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - ....???.... none?
Do you play any sports -Many! bball, netball.. volleyball..? haha

The rules:-
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people

1. I loveee my baby!! hehe
2. I love my Frenz?
3. I'm considered a though person? hahaha! i think?
4. Love to dance
5. Loves laughin
6. Thinks a lot!
7. LOves hanging and chilling around
8. and i absolutely love spending quality time with my baby

8 people I tag: Jeslyn, Tek yit, Abby, Elvina, mabel, Zi yin, Wei Hui, Zen