Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Goodbye isnt the end.

The last time i blogged was on my farewell which was held on Friday. The last 2days before i left was spent with my friends.

Saturday night I went out with the Subang Kia's to Giza and have a drink. And yes, they were out to kill me too. but this time, they failed =)

The last night in Msia, i went for dinner with 2 of mummy's friend at this place called SouthSea. The seafood there is to die for! So if you are a seafood lover, go try it out! You'll love it!

Then the night started with Han Shaun and Kai Yang picking me. The initial plan was to go down to Genting after dropping by Alive for Ho Yin's birthday. But as expected, that plan failed as soon as we reached Alive.

Drank there till around 2 then went for second round and Han Shaun's place. We stayed there the whole night enjoying ourselves. Till the next afternoon.

One of the crazy things they did! lol

And Eric going back for more. hahaha!

Gosh, i will miss u guys =(

Darren came later on though he wasnt close to them. Just cause it was my last night. Thanks for coming <3

Caught in action =p

After not sleeping the whole night, went home, showered then went out for lunch. It was one thing after another. Lunch then Kai yang's house to wake him up, back home to grab my luggage then off i was to the airport =(

This might be goodbye for now but i believe it's not the end. Even when im far away, i still hold them close to my heart.

Always have, always will <3