Tuesday, February 5, 2008


List out the Top 5 presents you wish for:

1. A Vaio lap top
2. DKNY delicious Apple Perfume

3. A hotter bod

4. More shopping $$

5. For 26.01.08 to only be a dream

Tagged by Tek Yit

5 impressions of Tek Yit:

1. Sweet smile
2. Likes to dance (new year's eve she damn gian go club =p)
3. Loves her bee

4. Kinda quiet
5. Pretty!

Most memorable things he/she has done for you:
Nth?? We've only went out like twice...

The most memorable words he/she said to u:
Can't remember.. Sry babe

If he/she becomes ur lover, u will:
Definitely be happy (c-ing the way she treats nian =p)

If he/she becomes ur enemy, the reason will be:
er... Don't think this will ever happen.. she seems too nice..

Pass the quiz to 10 ppl that u wish to know how they feel about u

1. Jeslyn

2. Abby

3. Andrea

4. Jun

5. Jeremy

6. Cherrish

7. Lydia

8. Pik Yie

9. Jessica

10. Pui Teng

Who is no.7 having a relationship with?
Siang Ming!

Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
Aikes, i hav no idea what his name is..

If no.9 and no.1 are together, will it be a good thing?
Hahaha, Definitely!

What about no.1 and no.5?
Aikes, no comment? haha.. Guess there will be a lot of laughing?

What is no.3 studying?
She hasn't started studying...

When was the last time you chatted with no.6?
Erm... Few days ago..

Does no.4 work?
Don't think so?

Does no.8 have any cousin(s) in his/her school?
She's currently working

Will you woo no.8?
err...dont think so?

How about no.5?
Dont have to.. Already my lou gong! hahaha

Does no.2 have any siblings?
i'm not really sure.. dont think so?

How did you get to know about no.3?
Same school.. since form 1...

Ahah, same skool as well...

Where does no.1 live at?
somewhere near the subang airport

How did you get to know no.2?
Through frenz...

Is no.5 the sexiest person in the world?
Er.... erm.... hmmm... No comment? =p