Thursday, May 26, 2011

The dream.

I had that same dream again a few days back. A dream that i sometimes wish comes true just because it was better than reality.

A sudden thought passes my mind. Can this be true? I was just hoping, wishing it might be. Cause for a second there, i really wanted it to be.

Plain stupidity.

I know.

But then again, thats what love does to you. It keeps you on your toes. Keeps you guessing. Keeps you wanting more even when you know that everything is gone.

When i woke up from that dream i had, I wanted everything to to real. I thought it was. Then reality hit me and i knew that it was nothing more than a dream. But then again, a dream is better than nothing when all you have left are memories.
Because in that dream, you felt more real than all the memories put together. I was finally able to feel what it felt like to hold you in my arms once again.

And in that dream, i remember feeling the warmth of your skin. Your hand holding mine protectively, not letting go as if you were afraid i'd slipped away the way you did last time.

I remember you looking into my eyes and smiling as if i was the only one that existed in your world. It made me feel loved once again. Made me feel sincerely happy. Cause for once i know i finally got your love back.

I woke up with a smile on my face, looking forward to see you later. Then as i closed my eyes again smiling to myself, my eyes shot open and reality hit me.

It was a dream.

And thats all it'll ever be.