Sunday, October 4, 2009

I dont know but i think i may be falling for you..

I never seem to be able to update frequently anymore.
And now, the lappie's battery is abt to die so i better update abt Manda's and Chang Ee's b'day before i put it off any longer. lol

So, guess how we decided to celebrate their b'days?
There was 2 sessions. First was dinner and early drinking for the close friends of Manda's and Chang Ee, the other b'day boy.
We were all taking bets abt what time Manda would get drunk and most of us guessed around 11 before 12.
But guess what? We all got it wrong cuz she got drunk before 10 that night!!
Drunk at Mj cafe where even people from other table came to help us carry her.

Even though Chang Ee also celebrated his b'day but he was damn steady.
No wonder she got drunk eyh? she couldnt stop drinking.

Yup, drunk at 10.30

The second session was at Boilers Room Hartamas where we practically had to carry her in. But thank god she got drunk so early cuz in the end, she sobered up enuf to actually dance.
All of us was dead tired from carrying her around. But at least she had fun. haha.

Uh-huh.. We had to take care of her most of the time.


She couldnt even cut the cake properly.

The worst part? She even asked me and Sarah whether there was cake the next day!

Rainie and I

The drink they mixed that got Manda drunk? lol. It tastes like crap!

Xtal and Sarah.

Okiee, thats all for now. Battery is gonna die soon.
Gosh, i hope i dont take forever to do the next


It's been exactly a year but i still think of you.
I think everyone does, one way or another.