Monday, April 28, 2008


Tagged by hot Tek Yit & Pui Teng Darling

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Happiness.. Love.. Friends.. Owh.. $$$ too (dont deny that =p)

2) Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
Ahah, what do u think?

3) Do you smoke?
Apprently so.. Cutting down bit by bit..

4) What is the latest gadget that you own?
Camera? that was smth I purchase.. but the last gadget i owned was a Hp (baby bought it for me)

5) Who did you mostly text yesterday?
hmmm... I dont know.. Usually it'd be baby.. but i was with him practically the whole day!

6) How old are you & are you a virgin?
legally 18! Whohooo! ahah.. and erm... Nice question..

7) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
A magazine...?

8) Where do you wish to get married?
by the beach! During the sunset.. Or a beautiful garden..

9) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Never? Love isnt owned!

10) How many kids do you want?

11) Are you in love?

12) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Somewhere in USJ1 with Baby and his mum..

13) Name the lastest book that you bought?
Cant remember.. Too long ago larh..

14) What is your full name?
Nicole Ong Qi-Sha

15) Do you prefer your mother or father?

16) Do you believe in GOD?

17) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Er... Jesus

18) Christina or Britney?
Used to be Brit.. now? i dont really care..

19) Do you do your own laundry?

20) The most exciting place you want to go?
Hmmm... There's too many.. i wanna travel the world!

21) Hugs or kisses?
Both! i'm greedy okayy!

22) Single or attached?

23) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.

Tek Yit

-Pretty-In love with her bee-Nice hair-Nice bod-friendly

Pui Teng


8 things I am passionate about:

-My baby (love)

-The sunset/sunrise

-Beautiful Senery




-Cute stuff (soft toys?)

-Clothes? haha! Ran out of things to put

8 things I say too often:

" wtf"

" whatever"

" Okayy "


" Anything la"

" Sien la"

" lets go startbucks! "

" Swt"

8 books I’ve read recently:

Aikes! Havent read anything in a long long time larh..

8 songs I could listen to over and over again:

-Colour Blind

-Tongue Tied

-Teardrops on my guitar

-Jian Dan Ai

-Wo tui Tian Kong Shuo

-Kenangan Terindah

-The day you went away

-When you say nothing at all

8 things I learned last year:

- What happiness is..

- To appreciate life more..

- True friends will always be there for you

- Nothing is achieved easy

- What Love really is

- To let go of smth that isnt gonna work

- To move on

- To be friendlier

8 people to tag:
Jie yi*Jeslyn*Mabel*Elvina*Abby*Lydia*Andrea*Josiah