Friday, February 22, 2008

Tagged by a really HOT biatch

Got tagged By Tek Yit!!

5 things you love about yourself.

1. My frenz that i have! (i totally ADORE them!)
2. Err... My hair? (since every1 seems to say it's nice?) hahaha
3. My look?? Ahah, running out of things.. muz be PERASAN a bit =p
4. My... Clothes? (thanks to Tek Yit =p)
5. oh gosh! i'm really running out of ideas! erm... Almost everything bout me? =p

5 things you don't like about yourself.

1. My body! me want a nicer bod =p
2. My brains! I needa be smarter!
3. my freaking nails! (they always break so i can't keep them long!)
4. hmmm... That my eyes are of diff size?
5. And again, the bod!

5 things you like about your best friend.

1. Everything bout her!!
2. The way she always have my back!
3. The way she cries when i'm sad (yeah, we cry together! haha)
4. She always calls me to "keng kai"
5. The way she can always make frenz with mine
I wanna add more!!
6. The way she LOVES me?
7. Her honesty
8. I love her just the way she is..
Yeah, we have our ups and downs.. but no matter what, we always get pass everything! Muaxx babe!

5 things you love.

1. My frenz!!
2. The beach! ( i freaking LOVE the beach)
3. Whenever the sun is rising or setting! *heart melts*
4. Shopping! ( clothes, handbags, shoes.. u name it!)
5. My bed... zzZzzzZzzZzz

5 things you hate.

1. Backstabbers!
2. Bugs!! (especially cockroaches!!)
3. Attention Seekers
4. Demanding and unreasonable peeps
5. cant think of anything else that i HATE

5 things you wish you'll have.

1. A nicer and HOTTER body
2. To have smarter brains
3. The DKNY delicious perfume!
4. A lap top! (soon soon! whohoo!!)
5. More stuff!! ( clothes, shoes etc.)

Your top 5 phrases.

1. whatever!
2. anything la
3. Ma kai
4. Uh-huh
5. up to you

5 people you TAG.

1. Abby
2. Jeslyn
3. Siew Jean
4. Jie Yi
5. Pik Yie